Lucky dental torque limiter
Maximal safety
Torque limiter with fixed torque for dental surgery.
3 years or 1000 sterilisation cycles or 6,000 clicks.
High precision
We guarantee +/- 10% on the value of the torque and throughout the life of the product (3 years or 300 cycles of sterilisation or 6,000 clicks).
Certified ISO13485:2016 and ISO 14971:2019. Complies with new European regulation 2017/745 EU.
Calibrated at the factory on the torque of your choice between 0.1 Nm and 0.7 Nm for maximum safety.
Radial orientation of the product allows lateral access for dental surgery .
Easy to use
Our Lucky products do not require calibration during their lifetime. They are, therefore, extremely easy for the operating room staff to use, and simplify office logistics, since they do not need to be returned to the supplier for recalibration during their guaranteed lifetime.Customisation
We offer total flexibility on all proximal interfaces for any type of screw or clamping element. Additionally, your logo is engraved and the intermediate or final packaging is produced according to your specifications.